Ponzi schemes are growing in frequency in Florida—and they don’t just target individuals. Even businesses can find themselves dealing with huge financial losses after trusting investments in what may appear to be a lucrative deal. In a recent example out of Miami, an...
From our offices in Miami, we serve clients throughout Florida.
ABC or bankruptcy: What should business owners know?
Those who own an insolvent business may want to step away from the business as quickly as possible while losing as little as possible. Or, in other cases, they may have an opportunity to sell their business to another party. That party may be interested in the...
What’s Next for Commercial and Consumer Bankruptcy and Insolvency?
Michael Dunn discusses bankruptcy and insolvency trends, fraud & abuse and what’s ahead for the industry with the Daily Business Review/Law.com. See...
Multiple benefits linked with a bankruptcy “wage earner’s plan”
Liquidation versus reorganization. Those are often choices – candidly, opportunities tied to real solutions – that financially challenged individuals and families spanning Miami and other southeastern areas of Florida can optimally consider when facing onerously high...
What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy?
Those who are struggling to meet their financial obligations are not alone. The pandemic has left many businesses struggling. This has caused both business owners and individuals who depend on jobs from these businesses scrambling, trying to keep their finances in...
Property owner holds lender accountable for loan modification games
People get sick. People lose their jobs or clients or business accounts. Whatever the reason for these financial woes, those who find themselves struggling to make mortgage payments for their property, either residential or commercial, may consider a mortgage...
So Your Tenant Filed Bankruptcy? 4 Things to Consider for Commercial Landlords with Tenants in Bankruptcy
michael.dunn@dunnlawpa.com2020-05-17T15:09:23+00:00 By michael.dunn@dunnlawpa.com Bankruptcy, Lease, Real Estate, Uncategorized bankruptcy, commercial, lease 0 Comments Bankruptcy affords debtors the opportunity for a fresh start. Sometimes though, debtors are subject...
Retail Meltdown Leading to Bankruptcy
Retail Meltdown Leading to Bankruptcy Joshua Kligler2018-11-21T15:33:41+00:00 By Joshua Kligler Bankruptcy announcement, attorney, bankruptcy, bankruptcy bar association, bba, lawyer, mediation, miami, middle district of florida, news, south florida, southern district...